Resource Category: Report

Mentoring Scope

Mentoring Scope

Executive Summary: Data analysed through Phase one, provided evidence for both the strengths and in particular, the vulnerabilities of young people in the Local Government Areas (LGA’s) of Greater Shepparton, Moira, and Strathbogie. Young people are particularly vulnerable when making the transition from school to further education and work. Factors that make the transition more […]

How Work Works

How Work Works

We are all worried about young people’s futures as the news outlines the devastating impacts COVID-19 is having on the industries, where they find their early work experiences: school placements, part time work, and entry level jobs. And yet, when we sent four interns out to interview employers in growing industries in our region, everyone—both […]

Review into vocational and applied learning pathways in senior secondary schooling

Review into vocational and applied learning pathways in senior secondary schooling

There is no better time and opportunity to reform the design and delivery of vocational and applied learning for Victorian students. This Review has benefited from the learning and experience of many and varied schools, vocational education and training (VET) providers, teachers, trainers, students and leaders. It is time to embark on a coordinated and […]

RMCG Employment in the Goulburn Valley (May 2019)

RMCG Employment in the Goulburn Valley (May 2019)

RMCG were engaged by the Greater Shepparton City Council on behalf of themselves, Campaspe and Moira Shire Councils to provide an overview of actual jobs, job trends, vacancies and gaps in the Goulburn Valley, as defined by the boundary of these three local government areas. This information was presented to a Labour Market Forum in […]

Ian Neville Local Labour Market Presentation

Ian Neville Local Labour Market Presentation

COVID-19 is having a significant impact on the labour market… Many jobs have been lost, and there will be fewer jobs in the short term, meaning the jobs market is more competitive Some industries are being impacted more than others, especially in accommodation and food services, retail, tourism and the arts Young people have been […]

Hume Region Workforce Development Plan 2015-18

Hume Region Workforce Development Plan 2015-18

Workforce planning is a systematic process designed to ensure provision and access to skilled workers at the right time. Workforce development goes beyond a focus on data collection around standard labour and skills categories and seeks to understand the forces driving change, and how policy might directly engage with these forces to develop the workforce […]

Hume Jobs and Training Needs Report (Aug 2019)

Hume Jobs and Training Needs Report (Aug 2019)

This Report has been produced by the Department of Education for training providers, and summarises vocational education and training (VET) needs for the Hume region. An analysis of the region’s labour market is combined with existing VET activity to provide insights on future training needs for specific occupations in the region. This Report should be […]

Aither Goulburn Regional Profile (March 2019)

Aither Goulburn Regional Profile (March 2019)

When Infrastructure Victoria prepared their first 30-year infrastructure strategy in 2016, they committed to undertake further research to develop a stronger evidence base about the need for and impact of infrastructure investment in different parts of regional and rural Victoria. This project informs that evidence base and will assist Infrastructure Victoria to understand regional Victoria’s […]

COVID-19 Recovery Plan for Young People

COVID-19 Recovery Plan for Young People

“COVID-19 is a generation-defining pandemic which will disporportionately impact young people long-term” – Youth Affairs Council Victoria. It’s clear that young people across Victoria and Australia have been significantly impacted by the challenges that 2020 has provided. But with concerted and consistent efforts we can tackle many of the these challenges together. The COVID-19 Recovery […]