Aither Goulburn Regional Profile (March 2019)

Aither Goulburn Regional Profile March 2019

When Infrastructure Victoria prepared their first 30-year infrastructure strategy in 2016, they committed to undertake further research to develop a stronger evidence base about the need for and impact of infrastructure investment in different parts of regional and rural Victoria. This project informs that evidence base and will assist Infrastructure Victoria to understand regional Victoria’s challenges and opportunities in depth across economic, social and environmental domains. An Economic, Social and Environment Profile has been prepared for each of the nine non-metropolitan regions identified by the Victorian Government’s Regional Partnerships.

As part of the 30-year strategy Infrastructure Victoria developed a set of ten objectives. These objectives set out what the strategy is aiming to achieve and recognise that good infrastructure is not an end in itself, but an enabler of better social, economic and environmental outcomes.

Therefore, before considering possible infrastructure solutions for regions, Infrastructure Victoria needs to better understand the economic, social and environmental strengths and challenges that infrastructure solutions might seek to address. This project explores economic, social and environmental strengths and challenges in order to support Infrastructure Victoria’s understanding and thinking on infrastructure needs, opportunities and solutions. It does not, and is it not intended to, provide insights or recommendations with respect to specific infrastructure needs, opportunities and solutions.

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