job knowledge
and skills

Youth Benefits
- Increase the number of 15 to 19 year olds engaging in Work-based Learning
- Build student awareness of real workplaces
- Host employers supervise and instruct students
- Employer expectations and youth outcomes are assessed in work-based contexts
Industry Benefits
- Curate programs that meet local industry needs
- Raise awareness of your workplace
- Promote employment potential in your industry
- Advocate for future skillsets you’ll need in your workforce
- Focus on industries that provide strong vocational outcomes
The Work-based Learning Program is part of the School to Work Program, a Department of Education initiative, designed to increase opportunities for young people aged 15–19 years of age to improve their skills and workplace knowledge through ‘on the job’ experience via Work Experience, Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) and School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships (SBATs).
- Increase the numbers of young people undertaking WE, SWL and SBAT work placement in relevant places of employment, with emphasis on industries that provide strong vocational outcomes
- Increase the alignment between vocational education and training (VET) provision and local industry needs.
- Improving opportunities for all young people to undertake workplace learning placements
- Improving the quality of Vocational and VETDSS programs through increased opportunities for young people to undertake SWL and be assessed in work-based contexts
- Developing a ‘bank’ of ongoing workplace learning placements
- Improving the match between VET provision and effective student learning pathways